The 10th Biennial ARAHE Conference was held in Yokohama, Japan from 16-19 August 1999.
The theme of this year's conference was "What is Quality of Life? Innovations, Traditions".
Participants from Singapore included Miss Tng Sai Tin, President of the Association,
Council member and Treasurer of ARAHE, Dr. Joyce Mok from NIE who presented a paper on
"Improving the Quality of Life for the Elderly in the next Millennium." Others included:
Dorothy Krishnan Vice-President, Sylvia Teh, Lai Lin Wei, Linda Tan, Mandhiraj Dhillion
and Ling Chee Ngok. Altogether there were 356 participants from 23 countries, they included
lecturers, nutritionists, teachers, social workers and undergraduates.

Objectives of the conference are:
*To promote dialogue within the profession and to provide an international forum for
Home Economics.
*To discuss ways to improve the quality of life and the multiple roles in which Home
Economists can contribute to the world at large.

We had a very packed conference programme. Miss Tng represented AHES at council and executive
committee meetings held during breakfast and lunch time. Social activities included the welcome
reception and a dinner cruise along the Yokohama Bay for all participants. Optional activities
like floral arrangement, tea ceremony, and home visits were also organised. Self conducted local
tours included visits to ancient cities and Chinatown in Yokohama and Ronppongi in Tokyo, an
international fair, temples and shrines, not to mention shopping malls to do some shopping.

Participants from Singapore
Reported by : Dorothy Krishnan


The above celebrations were held on 6 September 1999 at the NTU Alumni Town Club , we actually
had quite a good turnout of forty- comprising eight retired teachers, namely Mrs E. Lim,
Woo Ban Loo, Ethel Chong, Alice Tan, Mabel Yang, Catherine Teo, Miss Kam Poh Kin and
Miss Pari Visvalingam, also present were about a dozen NIE trainees, which included four
gentlemen. The rest were made up of committee members and other faithful members who are
regulars at our functions. Poh Keow's icebreaking activity got everybody on their feet
and dancing away, while our emcee for the day Pamela Boey prompted our retired friends
to share their experiences encountered during their career which spanned at least 30
years or more. Their anecdotes were inspiring ,and their dedication to the profession,
I am sure was a challenge to all present, especially our young teachers.

We had a brief report on the ARAHE conference and a summary of papers presented, thanks
to Sylvia who prepared the presentation and Genevieve who rushed in with the LCD projector.
This was followed by lunch and more catching up with friends especially the retired ones.

Our new teachers...

and our faithful ones

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